A Malaysian blogs about comics and stuff because he doesn't know what else to do with his free time.
08 May 2009
Friday Night Fights: OPP - round 12
You know what? Call it lazy, call it 'phoning it in'. I don't care. I've won TWO OPP fights, boyo! If I want to showcase something ho-hum like a middle aged Batman kicking Superman in the jaw, well then, by golly, I'll do it!
Spacebooger has more fights from the other guys...but none of them won twice!
Khairul H. was an avid collector of comics back in the early '80s up to the mid-1990s. His favourite superhero was Spider-Man. The Spidey Clone saga, however, so disgusted him that he began losing interest in the entire hobby. It wasn't until 2005 that he began to dip his toes back into the pool of comics in general and superhero comics in particular but now he collects them only in trade format. He has a wife who does not share his hobby and they have two small children whom he hopes will love comics as much as he does.
Ahem. I think you'll find others have won twice. :)
Okay, but I was the first to win twice...erm, I think.
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